
Tara Lanich-LaBrie - Donuts, Nettles and Culinary Herbalism. Ep 27

Art by beautiful Cille Vengberg

Tara Lanich-LaBrie is an Instagram star loved by over 110.000 followers, for her colorful and joyful way of sharing her craft - Culinary Herbalism. She was also fun, real and we got into the deeper side of this work. Connection, eldership, playfulness and having fun with what you do.

I adore this woman and what she has to offer. Please enjoy this conversation, I did!

From nettle donuts to rose syrup, Tara's cookbook is a colorful journey into the world of plant-based cuisine. We talk about the magic of connecting with nature through food. Tara as she shares her insights on the ancient wisdom of plants.

In this Episode we talk about: 

  • Connecting with nature through art.

  • Plants as elders and allies.

  • Connecting with Elderberries.

  • Deep connection to plants.

  • Chamomile tea's lasting power.

  • The power of plants.

  • Building connections through humility.

  • Discovering nature in your backyard.

“If you can get someone to taste the carrot that was grown by them or grown by a local farmer. It’s like what you said, like that can change the way that they meet the world.”
— Tara Lanich-LaBrie

About Tara

Tara Lanich-LaBrie is a culinary herbalist, finding a love of cooking and plants at an early age, and after a series of health issues began farming, foraging and baking professionally.

She created her business, The Medicine Circle, to share colorful, seasonal recipes, and to build a bridge between people and the natural world.

Foraged & Grown: Healing, Magical Recipes for Every Season, is her first book.


Plant Whispering with Rachel Corby ☾ 13

Well well well, back again with a new episode for you. This time with a woman I love dearly. Rachel Corby is a very special teacher, and I’ve had the privilege to have her teach courses 2 years in a row.

In this episode we will be talking about working with plants. About what plant whispering means and how this work is more important today than ever. She is a very experienced and respectful teacher - to the plants and students and her wisdom runs deep.

Rachel Corby is a plant whisperer, medicine woman and organic permaculture gardener. Rachel has been working with plants and their healing properties since having her eyes opened to the incredible healing world of plants whilst working on a volunteer project in Guatemala back in 1998.

Rachel has been teaching remedy making and how to make more spiritual connections with plants since 2006. She runs workshops, online courses and retreats teaching these skills and encouraging the rewilding process. She is the author of the book, Rewilding Yourself; Becoming Nature. 





Gode resourcer til tiden, foråret og nye veje...

Igår delte jeg nedenstående liste i mit nyhedsbrev . Det er nogle gratis resourcer som er fantastisk 'food for thought'. Resourcer som giver næring og måske svar, på de store spørgsmål vi sidder med om klima, natur, bæredygtighed. Især om livet efter denne situation, krise, pause, tid - lige meget hvordan vi forholder os, så er vi på ukendt grund.

Disse film, bøger, mennesker giver mig, håb og lyst til at tænke vores fremtid i et andet lys. Og hvis man ikke er til de store følelser, så er de bare virkelig spændende input. 

Hvad synes jeg så du skal tjekke ud:

1. Filmen 'INHABIT'. Jeg købte filmen. lige da den kom ud og har set den flere gange nu. Da krisen brød ud, så lagde de filmen om gratis. Den vil jeg anbefale! Den er tankevækkende, fyldt med håb og fremtid.
Se den her...

2. Gratis 52 ugers Permakultur kursus hos Permaculturwomen.com - for dig med have, som vil bruge denne tid på at forstå økosystemer, haven, flerårige planter og hvordan du kan skabe en have der er fremtid i, så kan jeg anbefale det KÆMPE arbejde disse kvinder har lavet her. Jeg har fået rigtig meget ud af det. 
Læs mere her...

3. Min veninde Laura Storm har sammen med Giles Hutchins, skrevet bogen 'Regenerative Leadership' og den jeg vil anbefale alle at læse. Nu har de gjort 1. kapitel tilgængelig gratis. Og den i sig selv kan give ny næring til, at se sin vej gennem, ikke kun corona krise, men det der er lige bag (eller foran) klimakrisen. Den ser fremad og jeg elsker det de giver os med deres bog.
Læs den her...

4. Det seneste afsnit af min podcast 'Becoming Nature' udkom igår. Her taler jeg med Rachel Corby om Plant Whispering og rewilding. Hun er en vanvittig vis kvinde og på instagram kan du lige nu deltage i en give away hvor du kan vinde hendes seneste bog 'Plant Whispering and the art of rewilding'. 
Lyt med her...

Jeg håber, der er til timers underholdning og fordybelse til dig her. Det var der for mig. <3

Enjoy :)


Wild and Alone with Callie North ☾ 8

I can’t begin to tell you how much I looked forward to interviewing this woman. I watched her on the Alone Show and was blown away by how she approached going out into the wild Alone.

She is a true inspiration. Her love or the planet can only rub off on you.

It became talk about the practical and down to earth ways of connecting - and why it is important.

Listen here:

About Callie:

Folk Herbalist. Songstress. Gardener. Witch. Magic Maker. Seeker. Life Enthusiast.  

Born and raised on Lopez Island, Callie spent her formative years living a nature-based lifestyle in the Pacific Northwest. Her love of the outdoors and relationship with sacred plant medicine led her to open Pachamama Apothecary in the spring of 2016. Shortly after the shop opened, Callie was blessed with the opportunity to spend 72 days living alone in the foothills of the Andes Mountains in Patagonia, Argentina. She fished, foraged and relied completely on the land for survival. Her journey can be viewed on Season 3 of ALONE, on the History Channel.

 Callie currently lives off grid in a small cabin in the mossy woods, gathering wild medicine, writing songs, and planning her next adventure.

Find her here:



Also mentioned on the Podcast: A Wilder Year:

Come Spring and Self-Sufficient Success. (Copy)

Last year I tried this thing on going *big* with the blogging. I think I took a dive into it with an off-start point, as I don’t enjoy writing advice and how-tos. I like writing about life, not so much to inspire the masses, but as happens to many I know, things process in a different way through writing, talking and sharing. 

One of the reasons why I enjoy circle work so much, is because things process differently in a setting like that. Where we aren’t there to deliver, put up a show, or put on a mask; it’s a different way of relating to self and others. 

So sitting down here at the computer, I am relating to this in a new way. Many have asked why I don’t blog about life here in the forest. Or show what we do and choices we’ve made. It never really stuck with me … why would that be interesting? However over the past few months I have begun to feel a desire to share a bit more. Realizing, I guess, that we are doing a lot of cool things here. 

My beautiful sister has been my communications woman for a month and she also got the inspiration stirring. So here we go. Attempt number 14 to find a way of creating a blog presence that feels creative and interesting to write. 

Spring here has been a tease for a few weeks. Are you coming? Nope not yet. Patience, people of the north. And there has been a weird energy in the people around me, and myself included, of wanting to get things rolling, and still not feeling fully capable to gain momentum. I’ve felt a long take off ramp is ready and yet my body hasn’t been willing to unfold in the pace that I’ve set things up for. 

Sorting seeds and checking in with the ones I harvested and fermented last year. 


But this weekend it was as if it finally clicked into place and we put on warm clothes and fled into the garden. We got the seeds out, trying to plan what we would like to grow this year. And more importantly, where. 



One of the biggest lessons has been - PLAN - and be realistic in our ambitions. I once was told that after 5 years of getting this self-sufficient lifestyle going, you will have made enough mistakes to begin a route to success. It feels like we may need a little more…

I have a good feeling about this year and our harvest adventure. 

This is what our first real spring garden looks like - mud and more mud. We got most of the early veg ready and have it in a warm(er) space and hopefully we will begin to see little green heads popping out of there soon. 


We’ve had success with onions, potatoes, zucchini, strawberries, cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, peppers, garlic, rocket and beans. So this is where we are starting. Hoping to add some cabbages, squash, pumpkin and leeks this year. Cross your fingers. :)

Our idea is that guests at the *Forest Retreat House* can enjoy going out and fetching greens for their dinner. I will write about this space soon. It's an adventure for sure!!! 


The Magic of Circle with Sora Surya No (Copy)

Sora Surya No is a transformative business coach, intuitive mentor, international retreat leader, inspirational speaker, fire igniter, heart whisperer, nomadic entrepreneur, world traveler, sister, friend, and lover of love.

Listen in here

She is also a dear friend and woman of great inspiration to me. She has shown me the true value of sisterhood and she guests the Podcast show today, to talk about sisters, circle and why that kind of support is so important. 

Sora brings women together online and in person all over the world. The groups she runs are so full of love and openness. Please check her out here:

Web www.sorasuryano.com/

Facebook www.facebook.com/RadiantWomensCircle

And my favorite Instagram https://instagram.com/sorasuryano/

What are you hungry for? with Rachel Cole (Copy)

What are you hungry for?

This interview moved me. The reflection of what I am hungry for still ripples during my day. You are going to love Rachel and her work is so important.

Rachel Cole is a certified life coach, celebrated retreat leader, and women’s empowerment expert. She has spent ten years guiding women to identify, understand and feed their truest hungers – at and away from the table. As an eating disorder survivor herself, Rachel speaks with great wisdom, sensitivity, and authority about what it takes to live as a well-fed woman in the modern world.

She has traveled across the United States and internationally speaking and teaching to sold-out gatherings of women on how they too can find ease and fulfillment in their lives simply by honoring their own hungers. Rachel holds a Masters Degree in Holistic Health Education and is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach.

Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Episode #21 with Nichole Kellerman (Copy)

get moving

Today we are getting moving with Nichole Kellerman Wurth. She just got back from Africa and guests us to share her wisdom about women's health, moving, and why it's important to look at diet and food in a different way.

Nichole wants to live in a world where women actually enjoy the process of losing weight + connecting with their bodies.

As a weight loss coach, she’s been featured on major websites like The Well Grounded Life, Your Great Life TV and The Greatist.

When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into a lifestyle they dream of, you can find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her husband and two dogs.

Her business Wildly Alive Weight Loss is for women who want to stop dieting, re-frame their minds so they can reshape their bodies. Her teachings are like nothing you’ve ever heard.

Discover how you can lose weight by feeling #WildlyAlive at WildlyAliveWeightLoss.com.

Life status: It’s complicated… (Copy)

Simple living

I know complicated! Yet I have never dealt with it well. Every time someone says “It’s complicated” I feel heaviness in my body - no thank you, never mind.

I am in many ways simple minded. I loose the storyline in sci-fi movies. I feel confused 3 lines in... “In a galaxy far far away, xanax-3000 was moving himself through time using a vibrator on fire. Humans on planet shiatsu were threatened as they had started becoming so full of themselves” Huh… ?? After 30 minutes of my boyfriend trying to explain it,  we both accept that I will catch 1/3 of the story and enjoy falling asleep to it instead.

I could never concentrate for more than 5 minutes reading anything scientific.

The harder the better. The more the merrier... not so much for me.

I feel that secretly, we glorify busy - doing more. Not out loud, no no we hate busy - but someone who say “Oh this week, yeah I went for a few walks and read a book”, it doesn’t really stir up a lot. Someone who has 2 jobs, runs the family neatly, looks great, works out, flew across the world in a day, volunteers for 3 charities, and does her husband 6 times a week, is awesome.

I am not devaluing any of it, but I do feel we in some ways as a society we have put complicated on a pedestal. The more complicated, the more value. The more praise and awe. But is there a shift happening here?

The most complicated for me was when worry became anxiety and darkness took over. Trying to manage the future, my thoughts, my identity crisis, people’s misunderstanding and disappointment, work, money, wanting more (of everything), the city, stress, relationship, body, health, exercise, getting better, faking it and making it, family, meditation, business, my own demands…. argh someone hit the stop button. So many choices, that it almost numbs me.

I have done complicated.

This year we chose to move from the city to the house I have talked about a few times. We wanted more simplicity in our life. We wanted to reduce the costs of living. We wanted to work less. We wanted our kids to see us more. We wanted to filter out some of the constant noise and stimulation of the city. All the doing was robbing me from what I was actually working so hard to have - happiness.

I am not perfect. It is a transition and complicated still get’s to me. I do however feel a HUGE shift in energy and ease when I choose simple. When I let it all drop and look at what makes my life rich - it’ s not more stuff or moneto.

Simple isn't for everyone. We need the people who can do the science and work out complicated stuff. I too like to dream and admire the academics who I have no clue what are saying half of the time.

But HOW MUCH of it ALL do we ALL need, ALL of the time?

Simple to me is freedom.


My 1:1 Intensive is a one to one 90 minute session for hardworking women who want to simplify their daily lives.

Working alongside me, in those 90 minutes we will look at what hasn't worked in the past, work towards sustainable ways to simplify, and most important look at the patterns that are no longer serving you.

At the moment, adding more into an already demanding schedule probably isn’t working for you; when can you really fit this in?

Let me show you how.


The little house in the woods... (Copy)

When I was young, around 7 I think as we were still living in Canada at the time, I used to dream of living on my own in the woods. I was self-sufficient, no TV, heated the house with a fireplace. I had a garden and an old truck. I would go to the store once a week and stock up. I would write and it would be peaceful. I think that last piece might have been added in as I was the eldest of 4 at the time, and quiet wasn't let in the door. I dreamt that I would knit sweaters for poor kids in Africa... well my gram knit a lot and Labrador was so cold, I couldn't imagine that it could ever be too hot for a sweater. In that dream I was happy. I remember feeling at total ease when I thought about a life like that. I would chop wood, and being it was a 7 year old girl dreaming - there was no man in sight.

I love being by myself, going out in nature and the crisp Fall air especially. I am really only a "big gathering of people" person when I have a few beers. City life never got me falling in love, although I gave it a good try.

As we come to the end of 2014, everywhere there is a focus on the year to come, what do you want, where are you going, how do want to feel, notch it up, want more, do less, do better. It's all good, and setting intentions are great. For me around this time I like to sit back and enjoy what the year gone had to offer. This year that includes the little dream I had as a young girl, coming true.

Carina Lyall

(that's our house :))

Well most of it anyway· We added some kids, and don't have a truck. There is a TV for movies. I don't really finish any knitting I start. BUT, I am feeling what I felt when I was a little girl with a dream.

My friends look at me funny when I say I love the life we have here "But you're a city girl"... Nah... I am exactly where I want to be, right here. <3

So as 2014 comes to an end, what are you grateful for?


My 1:1 Intensive is a one to one 90 minute session for hardworking women who want to simplify their daily lives.

Working alongside me, in those 90 minutes we will look at what hasn't worked in the past, work towards sustainable ways to simplify, and most important look at the patterns that are no longer serving you.

At the moment, adding more into an already demanding schedule probably isn’t working for you; when can you really fit this in?

Let me show you how.


Episode #14 with Sara Christensen (Copy)


We had such a fun interview. I laughed most of the time and Sara is a such a great woman.

This podcast is about health, the body, why it isn't about food and oh yeah - Granny underwear... :)

About Sara

As an accomplished CEO, acclaimed coach, dynamic speaker and insightful author, Sara Christensen brings enormous enthusiasm, insight and lots of laughter to her clients.

Sara has been a successful entrepreneur for the past 20 years. She currently presides over a online health and weight-loss coaching business. Her programs are delivered virtually and available to women all across the world.

Previously she founded a wireless tech company in 2000 and ran the company until 2010 when she sold it. At that point, the company was doing $10 million in sale/year and had 75 full-time employees. It was Sprint's largest business partner for 5-years running and had clients such as Best Buy, State Farm, Starbucks, Microsoft, and Qualcomm.

She also worked in business development for a dot-com during the first peak of the Internet. She was in corporate information technology and marketing management for 8 years prior to that, at a high-tech firm, large giftware company, business development firm, and a real estate company. At the same time that she was working these corporate jobs, she founded and ran a consulting company that specialized in the sports and beauty industries.

Sara earned her Bachelors of Science degree from St. Cloud State University. She is a Certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is certified through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She is also a Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer.  

Check out her free resources here... 








Going BARE with Michelle Fetsch - Episode #13 (Copy)


Tune in to hear more about the BARE campaign and the importance of loving your body -exactly as it is.

Michelle Fetsch is the visionary behind the organization Women Enough whose BARE Campaign is empowering women of all shapes and sizes to expose their bodies and life stories with the world. Michelle has been coaching, mentoring, and advocating for women for nearly 15 years and is committed to supporting all women in being seen, heard and free.

Having spent years struggling with eating disorders, low self confidence and body image issues, Michelle founded Women Enough in 2010, a global support network committed to empowering women in realizing their personal and professional greatness. Women Enough believes a woman’s worth goes far beyond her beauty and is actively involved in spreading this message through media campaigns, events and local peer to peer support groups.

If you are interested in partnering with or getting involved with the BARE Campaign or Women Enough Michelle can be contacted at Michelle@WomenEnough.com.

Support the BARE Campaign and learn more by visiting www.WomenEnough.com or Facebook

a tribute to: sleeping children (Copy)

Thich Nhat Hanh wrote:

"I have arrived, I am home" is the shortest Dharma Talk I have ever given. "I have arrived, I am home" means "I don't want to run anymore." You need that insight in order to be truly established in the here and now, and to embrace life with all its wonders.

mindfulness in eberyday life

What a powerful sentence. For me it has always been a balance. I like running... well I like being driven, I like the passionate and excited side of me. I like the part of me that creates ideas for every step I take. What I have learned through the years of practice and training is to notice when that isn't serving me, when I no longer fills me up, but is draining me instead. And also learned to see that all that running robs me of the things that really creates a deep connection in my life.

It is so valuable to check and see in the moment what life is. In everyday life what gives me joy, happiness, a sense of belonging and depth aren't things like winning the lottery or running fast - it is the simple things.

Like last night, my oldest was asleep and I went in to tuck her in again. I stopped and looked at her, and she looked so big, yet still with her little baby face. She was so peaceful and cute. I was filled with love and gratitude. It brought me home. I didn't need to run to feel love, I didn't need to run to feel purpose, it was right there in that moment.

Moments like those pop up every day. They're not big sensational moments that will be written down in history. But shit they're valuable. It can be a good laugh, a moment when everyone at the table just shuts up and we are there together no strings attached. It can be that brief touch that let's you know you have been seen. The smell of the crisp Fall air. It is random smiles on the street. It's sitting on a chair by your house enjoying the sunset or dinner with close friends.

We don't need to run.

Connect in Thursday: Friends (Copy)

Connect with friends

In times of stress, one of the first things I have neglected were my friends. The people that I didn’t have to feed or pick up somewhere. Not that I didn't miss them, I just couldn't find the energy to give anything.

But they are the connections that fill me up, give me that something extra and a good laugh. And I know from talking to them after hard times, that they never expected me to give a whole lot.

It can seem hard and overwhelming to to anything but the absolute necessary in times of stress. But those who truly love, support and care for us, are the ones that can give you what you need.

Connecting to your female friends is today’s focus.

[Tweet "This is a shout out to my friends. Thank you! È

Pick your phone, go to the computer or get your mail pigeon ready, and send a note of gratitude to a woman who is dear to you. Let them know how much they mean to you, why they are important, what you are grateful for in them.

Episode #8 with Karen Osburn (Copy)

Self-compassionate woman Karen Osborn

Do you shame yourself as a mom? Do you feel guilty about not being perfect?

Karen Osburn guests us today to talk about motherhood and embracing ourselves, our imperfections and vulnerability with more love.

Dr. Karen Osburn is a Chiropractor, Wife, and Adoptive Mommy of two young boys.

Her Chiropractic office, Synergy Family Wellness Centre in Alberta, Canada, owned with her husband, Dr. Ed Osburn has served wellness chiropractic care to the families in their community for 12 years.

But since becoming a Mom almost 4 years ago, Karen has really struggled with being a mom.  It was the hardest thing she had ever done, and she never felt like she was doing it right.  Karen found through blogging and in her conversations with patients and friends that other moms felt the same way, but yet thought it was just them.

So she decided to do something about it and created Mom at 41.

Mom at 41 is a Podcast, Website and Blog to provide support, inspiration and  a conversation to share struggles, the lessons learned from it, and to help Moms embrace their imperfections. Also check out her Facebook page here.

Episode #7 Pleasure with Lesley Stedmon (Copy)

Self-compassion podcast woman

Do you miss pleasure in your life?

Today's show is a great and important one. Our guest today is bringing pleasure back, not as a luxury but as a part of everyday life. I love it.

Lesley Stedmon believes that pleasure is non-negotiable. She wants to live in a world where busy women take the time to make pleasure a priority. Merging her experience as a Registered Nurse and Certified Sexual Health Educator.

Lesley created a movement called The Sensual Sisterhood; a growing community of women who desire to experience the most sensual version of themselves.

Through 1:1 coaching, online workshops, client intensives and destination retreats, Lesley has consistently created a sacred and safe space for hundreds of women to reclaim their desire, embody their truth and own their strong, sacred, sensual selves.

You can find out more about Lesley and The Sensual Sisterhood at www.thesensualsisterhood.com

Connect in Thursday: The Body (Copy)

Connecting to the body

Take a moment to pay attention to how your body feels right now. If it supports you close your eyes.

Why it that so important? It all goes down in the body. How we sense the world. The body is fluid experience and such a great way into to showing up where you are. It isn't a thing. We know the parts it has, but the experience of body and be so diverse, intense, numb and can bring such richness to life.

What is your experience of body right now?

Maybe you need water, food. If you feel relaxed how does that feel? If there is tension in the body, how do you relate to that? Whatever you sense, give yourself a moment to meet that with curiosity.

Share your thoughts with us on the Facebook page

Episode #6 with Casey Erin Wood (Copy)

Casey erin wood

I was curious about what authentic brilliance is, and invited Casey on the show to tell her story and why she feels Authentic brilliance is something we all have.

Casey Erin Wood has a simple philosophy: the universe is speaking to us, we should listen.

As a writer, speaker and coach she has dedicated her life to helping women own what she calls their

Authentic Brilliance

, the quality of clarity and confidence that allows you to walk into a room and transform people through your sheer presence.  She believes we each possess this unique essence and that we are on this planet to share it.

One client shared, “I want more of what she's got - motivation, inspiration, excitement, brain waves, illumination and vision.", while another declared, “Casey is your go-to gal if you're looking to shine even brighter in the world."  And another simply said, “She brought me home”.

When she’s not empowering women to own their Authentic Brilliance you can find her nibbling dark chocolate, having dance parties with her daughter or rocking tree pose on her dock.

In this episode we talked about: 

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 why connection the body is important

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 how to access your authentic brilliance

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 what that means

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 how your surrounding and sisterhood support you

You can check out Casey’s new group program here, it’s all about deepening your connection with your intuition!

Episode #5 Inspirational Woman Bri Seeley (Copy)

Inspirational Woman Project

Bri Seeley is here with a strong message and an inspirational project that is going to touch the hearts of many women.

She is an entrepreneur for all things woman that is passionate about sharing her story, and the stories of other amazing women. Her training and passion as a fashion designer led her to create a fashion label dedicated to femininity and helping women connect with their true selves.

Bri has paved her path by surrounding herself with inspirational women, which revealed to her a disheartening trend that she is dedicated to change. She recognized how intensely women search outside of themselves for happiness and validation, losing touch with what makes them women and conforming to external pressures of how women should show up in the world.

This gap between how women define themselves and how society defines them has created an immense amount of discord and unhappiness. Thus the Inspirational Woman Project was born. 

In this podcast Bri and I talk about

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 her upcoming book and the journey that brought her to creating it

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 why women don't feel like an inspiration

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 how digging deeper into the theme of womanhood has changed her, and those who participated, life

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 why this is (still) an important topic to explore

Check out more about the project here and connect with Bri on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram

a tribute to LOVE (Copy)

9 years ago I met the man, it would turn out, who changed me. Tuesday is photo day on the blog showing glimpses of me life, practice and journey. Today is a tribute to the man, the love and the life I have shared with my blonde Scandinavian (who I first thought must be boring - how wrong I was). <3

#1 Before the kids. We look so well rested.

Love life and partnership

#2 Now expecting child #1. I am sure I said something REALLY funny. Still look very well rested.

9 years together.

#3 Ok now way past birth of first child and SO hard to find a picture we're both in . Such a bad photo, but HA! at least the wee one looks pretty fly! The second child is on the way.


#4 Things like this now dominate our camera...


#5 and this my phone...


#6 But once in a while we still get time to get away and enjoy each other's company.

Parents weekend out

#7 And here's to the next 9 years my love <3 (not knowing why it looks like you have fangs...)

to the next 6 years.