
Samtaler med Jorden: Et Urvæsen af Clara Reeh

Serien ‘Samtaler med Jorden’ er en samling af møder mellem mennesker og det vilde. De udspringer fra mini forløbet ‘Sådan bliver du usynlig i en verden der kræver at se alt’ Her er der mulighed for at dele særlig natur møder gennem essay, billeder, poesi eller andre udtryk. De bliver løbende udgivet her på hjemmesiden


Et Urvæsen

Jeg længes mod begyndelsen ~ af alt levende

Hendes ene øje følger mig

Vi ser på hinanden 
Jeg lægger min hånd mod glasset, 
og venter

Hvis bare jeg kunne kravle ned i vandet til hende
Jeg ser de skiftende farver, der som bølger strømmer gennem hendes hud og afslører indre følelser

Jeg vil lære hende at kende

Fortælle hendes historie, 
på ny

I en lang bevægelse danser hun mig i møde

Billeder og tekst tilhører Clara Reeh. De må ikke videregives uden hendes tilladelse.

Find Clara Reeh her


The Magic of Circle with Sora Surya No

Sora Surya No is a transformative business coach, intuitive mentor, international retreat leader, inspirational speaker, fire igniter, heart whisperer, nomadic entrepreneur, world traveler, sister, friend, and lover of love.

Listen in here

She is also a dear friend and woman of great inspiration to me. She has shown me the true value of sisterhood and she guests the Podcast show today, to talk about sisters, circle and why that kind of support is so important. 

Sora brings women together online and in person all over the world. The groups she runs are so full of love and openness. Please check her out here:



And my favorite Instagram

Simple Pleasures vol. 1

Simple pleasures, but why not aim for the big mind-blowing out of this world experiences. I like simple. I find joy in the small(er) things, as they bring me to where I already am. What is right here. What can be enjoyed, seen and felt here. It's not hunting sensation or avoiding pain, it is waking up to the pleasure of life.

When I was at several anxiety attacks a day, keeping myself indoors, afraid of living because it felt too painful - one of the things that supported the transition into feeling alive again was opening up to the "little" things. A nice shower, a song I fell in love with, a kiss, a hug, a good laugh, the sun, silence, sounds.

Funny thing is, I haven't felt the need to move away from those things, they are what life is to me. Simple pleasures happen everyday, and they make me feel full, content. Big bursts of special occasions are cool, but not what I live for. They do not make my daily life rich.

So for inspiration I will be sharing a simple pleasures series on the blog, and welcome to vol. 1. Grab what resonates or use the direction to open up to the things in your life.

Here we go.

Moving to the tunes...

I have fallen in love with a young woman from Tennessee. Valerie Junemakes me wanna move, fills my body with ease, touches something deep inside. Music has always done crazy things to me, and I love to dance. This week this song has done the trick. Enjoy.

For fun...

David Lynch Weekend
David Lynch Weekend

A lonesome evening, when the kids were finally asleep and I found myself bored - I ran through Instagram and found the funniest # ever. I laughed till I cried which can be weird when you are on your own.

It is #whymysoniscrying

Now the funny thing is not the photos of crying children.

What makes it so funny are the reasons they are crying. The situations where you as a parent feel you have dropped into the closing scene of a David Lynch movie - What, why, where, I don't get it (still have no clue what Lost Highway was about).

Like when you give your kids the snack they specifically asked for, but placed the plate an inch in the wrong direction and it is mayhem for about 15 mins. Or you walked into a room, not knowing it was going to ruin their day. Or you breath too close to them etc. It is funny because, thankfully you realize you are not alone, and that the frustration seems to be universal.

If you need a laugh check out that hashtag on instagram.

For stillness...

Sitting outside...

...closing your eyes and feeling the air and wind against your face. Sensing the crispness of winter. We don't have to make it formal and call it mediation, or set ourselves up to all sorts of things. Just that moment when you allow yourself a moment of stillness, to just be. Letting your body sink a little deeper to where you are. Knowing that space has nothing to do with time. It can be for one in breath or 100. How does it feel.

Stillness simpel pleasures
Stillness simpel pleasures

Life status: It’s complicated…

Simple living
Simple living

I know complicated! Yet I have never dealt with it well. Every time someone says “It’s complicated” I feel heaviness in my body - no thank you, never mind.

I am in many ways simple minded. I loose the storyline in sci-fi movies. I feel confused 3 lines in... “In a galaxy far far away, xanax-3000 was moving himself through time using a vibrator on fire. Humans on planet shiatsu were threatened as they had started becoming so full of themselves” Huh… ?? After 30 minutes of my boyfriend trying to explain it,  we both accept that I will catch 1/3 of the story and enjoy falling asleep to it instead.

I could never concentrate for more than 5 minutes reading anything scientific.

The harder the better. The more the merrier... not so much for me.

I feel that secretly, we glorify busy - doing more. Not out loud, no no we hate busy - but someone who say “Oh this week, yeah I went for a few walks and read a book”, it doesn’t really stir up a lot. Someone who has 2 jobs, runs the family neatly, looks great, works out, flew across the world in a day, volunteers for 3 charities, and does her husband 6 times a week, is awesome.

I am not devaluing any of it, but I do feel we in some ways as a society we have put complicated on a pedestal. The more complicated, the more value. The more praise and awe. But is there a shift happening here?

The most complicated for me was when worry became anxiety and darkness took over. Trying to manage the future, my thoughts, my identity crisis, people’s misunderstanding and disappointment, work, money, wanting more (of everything), the city, stress, relationship, body, health, exercise, getting better, faking it and making it, family, meditation, business, my own demands…. argh someone hit the stop button. So many choices, that it almost numbs me.

I have done complicated.

This year we chose to move from the city to the house I have talked about a few times. We wanted more simplicity in our life. We wanted to reduce the costs of living. We wanted to work less. We wanted our kids to see us more. We wanted to filter out some of the constant noise and stimulation of the city. All the doing was robbing me from what I was actually working so hard to have - happiness.

I am not perfect. It is a transition and complicated still get’s to me. I do however feel a HUGE shift in energy and ease when I choose simple. When I let it all drop and look at what makes my life rich - it’ s not more stuff or moneto.

Simple isn't for everyone. We need the people who can do the science and work out complicated stuff. I too like to dream and admire the academics who I have no clue what are saying half of the time.

But HOW MUCH of it ALL do we ALL need, ALL of the time?

Simple to me is freedom.


My 1:1 Intensive is a one to one 90 minute session for hardworking women who want to simplify their daily lives.

Working alongside me, in those 90 minutes we will look at what hasn't worked in the past, work towards sustainable ways to simplify, and most important look at the patterns that are no longer serving you.

At the moment, adding more into an already demanding schedule probably isn’t working for you; when can you really fit this in?

Let me show you how.


The little house in the woods...

When I was young, around 7 I think as we were still living in Canada at the time, I used to dream of living on my own in the woods. I was self-sufficient, no TV, heated the house with a fireplace. I had a garden and an old truck. I would go to the store once a week and stock up. I would write and it would be peaceful. I think that last piece might have been added in as I was the eldest of 4 at the time, and quiet wasn't let in the door. I dreamt that I would knit sweaters for poor kids in Africa... well my gram knit a lot and Labrador was so cold, I couldn't imagine that it could ever be too hot for a sweater. In that dream I was happy. I remember feeling at total ease when I thought about a life like that. I would chop wood, and being it was a 7 year old girl dreaming - there was no man in sight.

I love being by myself, going out in nature and the crisp Fall air especially. I am really only a "big gathering of people" person when I have a few beers. City life never got me falling in love, although I gave it a good try.

As we come to the end of 2014, everywhere there is a focus on the year to come, what do you want, where are you going, how do want to feel, notch it up, want more, do less, do better. It's all good, and setting intentions are great. For me around this time I like to sit back and enjoy what the year gone had to offer. This year that includes the little dream I had as a young girl, coming true.

Carina Lyall
Carina Lyall

(that's our house :))

Well most of it anyway· We added some kids, and don't have a truck. There is a TV for movies. I don't really finish any knitting I start. BUT, I am feeling what I felt when I was a little girl with a dream.

My friends look at me funny when I say I love the life we have here "But you're a city girl"... Nah... I am exactly where I want to be, right here. <3

So as 2014 comes to an end, what are you grateful for?


My 1:1 Intensive is a one to one 90 minute session for hardworking women who want to simplify their daily lives.

Working alongside me, in those 90 minutes we will look at what hasn't worked in the past, work towards sustainable ways to simplify, and most important look at the patterns that are no longer serving you.

At the moment, adding more into an already demanding schedule probably isn’t working for you; when can you really fit this in?

Let me show you how.