
a tribute to: sleeping children

Thich Nhat Hanh wrote:

"I have arrived, I am home" is the shortest Dharma Talk I have ever given. "I have arrived, I am home" means "I don't want to run anymore." You need that insight in order to be truly established in the here and now, and to embrace life with all its wonders.

mindfulness in eberyday life
mindfulness in eberyday life

What a powerful sentence. For me it has always been a balance. I like running... well I like being driven, I like the passionate and excited side of me. I like the part of me that creates ideas for every step I take. What I have learned through the years of practice and training is to notice when that isn't serving me, when I no longer fills me up, but is draining me instead. And also learned to see that all that running robs me of the things that really creates a deep connection in my life.

It is so valuable to check and see in the moment what life is. In everyday life what gives me joy, happiness, a sense of belonging and depth aren't things like winning the lottery or running fast - it is the simple things.

Like last night, my oldest was asleep and I went in to tuck her in again. I stopped and looked at her, and she looked so big, yet still with her little baby face. She was so peaceful and cute. I was filled with love and gratitude. It brought me home. I didn't need to run to feel love, I didn't need to run to feel purpose, it was right there in that moment.

Moments like those pop up every day. They're not big sensational moments that will be written down in history. But shit they're valuable. It can be a good laugh, a moment when everyone at the table just shuts up and we are there together no strings attached. It can be that brief touch that let's you know you have been seen. The smell of the crisp Fall air. It is random smiles on the street. It's sitting on a chair by your house enjoying the sunset or dinner with close friends.

We don't need to run.

Episode #9 moving with Michele Young

Self-compassion podcast show
Self-compassion podcast show

A short episode on the power of moving your body. Connecting to your sensuality through dance. A fun talk with Michele Young.

Michele Young, MA is the creator of  MY Inspired Life which is dedicated to helping clients live healthy in mind, body, and spirit.  She combines her work as a fitness instructor, her Master’s degree in counseling psychology, and her interest in the arts to offer fitness classes, wellness workshops, as well as life coaching services.  Contact Michele if you are ready to start creating YOUR inspired life!

Also check her out on FB and Twitter and

Connect in Thursday: Friends

Connect with friends
Connect with friends

In times of stress, one of the first things I have neglected were my friends. The people that I didn’t have to feed or pick up somewhere. Not that I didn't miss them, I just couldn't find the energy to give anything.

But they are the connections that fill me up, give me that something extra and a good laugh. And I know from talking to them after hard times, that they never expected me to give a whole lot.

It can seem hard and overwhelming to to anything but the absolute necessary in times of stress. But those who truly love, support and care for us, are the ones that can give you what you need.

Connecting to your female friends is today’s focus.

[Tweet "This is a shout out to my friends. Thank you! È

Pick your phone, go to the computer or get your mail pigeon ready, and send a note of gratitude to a woman who is dear to you. Let them know how much they mean to you, why they are important, what you are grateful for in them.

Episode #7 Pleasure with Lesley Stedmon

Self-compassion podcast woman
Self-compassion podcast woman

Do you miss pleasure in your life?

Today's show is a great and important one. Our guest today is bringing pleasure back, not as a luxury but as a part of everyday life. I love it.

Lesley Stedmon believes that pleasure is non-negotiable. She wants to live in a world where busy women take the time to make pleasure a priority. Merging her experience as a Registered Nurse and Certified Sexual Health Educator.

Lesley created a movement called The Sensual Sisterhood; a growing community of women who desire to experience the most sensual version of themselves.

Through 1:1 coaching, online workshops, client intensives and destination retreats, Lesley has consistently created a sacred and safe space for hundreds of women to reclaim their desire, embody their truth and own their strong, sacred, sensual selves.

You can find out more about Lesley and The Sensual Sisterhood at

Episode #6 with Casey Erin Wood

Casey erin wood
Casey erin wood

I was curious about what authentic brilliance is, and invited Casey on the show to tell her story and why she feels Authentic brilliance is something we all have.

Casey Erin Wood has a simple philosophy: the universe is speaking to us, we should listen.

As a writer, speaker and coach she has dedicated her life to helping women own what she calls their

Authentic Brilliance

, the quality of clarity and confidence that allows you to walk into a room and transform people through your sheer presence.  She believes we each possess this unique essence and that we are on this planet to share it.

One client shared, “I want more of what she's got - motivation, inspiration, excitement, brain waves, illumination and vision.", while another declared, “Casey is your go-to gal if you're looking to shine even brighter in the world."  And another simply said, “She brought me home”.

When she’s not empowering women to own their Authentic Brilliance you can find her nibbling dark chocolate, having dance parties with her daughter or rocking tree pose on her dock.

In this episode we talked about: 

The self-compassionate woman podcast
The self-compassionate woman podcast

 why connection the body is important

The self-compassionate woman podcast
The self-compassionate woman podcast

 how to access your authentic brilliance

The self-compassionate woman podcast
The self-compassionate woman podcast

 what that means

The self-compassionate woman podcast
The self-compassionate woman podcast

 how your surrounding and sisterhood support you

You can check out Casey’s new group program here, it’s all about deepening your connection with your intuition!