
{Rundt om ilden} I de gode gamle dage

I de gode gamle dage" Mange af os har en tendens til at kigge tilbage på ‘det gode dengang’ kontra ‘det onde nu’. 
Man ser det alle steder, hvor folk gerne vil sælge viden og oplevelser; "ancient knowledge", oprindelig viden, forfædrenes visdom.

Og vi hører det i vores sprogbrug, hvor vi glorificerer og romantiserer fordums tider.

"Det var bedre dengang kvinder blødte på nymånen, det var bedre dengang landsbyen var hele verden, dengang vi ikke havde alt det skærm osv." Men var det det?

Vi har et 'nu', der har brug for dele af dét der var engang, men som forholder sig til den uundgåelige udvikling. 

Det optager os er hvordan vi skaber naturkontakt, fællesskab, forandring med rødderne i al det vi ved pga. vores ‘dengang’ og med åbne øjne i vores nu.

Et afsnit om nutid, oldtid og et strejf af viking.

🔥 Rundt om ilden 🔥 I podcasten reflekterer vi over egen praksis, verdens tilstand og meningen med det hele, mens vi tager udgangspunkt i vores baggrund som undervisere og ceremoniledere i det shamanistiske og naturspirituelle miljø, i vores visioner og passioner.

Vi stræber efter at samtalerne er ærlige, dybe og fyldt med latter - som enhver god snak rundt om ilden.

Kan du lide hvad du høre og vil du hjælpe os med at brede vores samtaler videre ud, så husk at abonnér i din favoritpodcast-app, give os en rating og endelig dele vores afsnit med dit netværk!

{Rundt om ilden} Et Cyklisk Liv

Nyt podcast-afsnit: At være cyklisk ⭕️ Det er ikke nogen ny ting at tale cyklus og kredsløb, både det frugtbare og det naturlige. Alligevel synes vi begge at emnet er relevant som aldrig før.

For selv cyklusdebatten er cirkulær og dukker fra tid til anden op i nye klæder og nu taler tiden måske for en vinkel som ligger lidt væk fra det kønnede fokus og giver adgang til en mere almenneskelig opfattelse af det cykliske menneske.

Med over 10 års arbejde professionelt med det cykliske, inden for undervisning og uddannelse har arbejdet med den menneskelige cyklus, naturens kredsløb og forskellen på det linære og det cykliske liv,  betydet meget for os hver især og for vores opfattelse og forståelse af os selv.

🔥 Rundt om ilden - I vores podcast reflekterer vi over egen praksis, verdens tilstand og meningen med det hele, mens vi tager udgangspunkt i vores baggrund som undervisere og i det shamanistiske og naturspirituelle miljø, i vores visioner og passioner.

Vi stræber efter at samtalerne er ærlige, dybe og fyldt med latter - som enhver god snak rundt om ilden.

Kan du lide hvad du høre og vil du hjælpe os med at brede vores samtaler videre ud, så husk at abonnér i din favoritpodcast-app, give os en rating og endelig dele vores afsnit med dit netværk!

Titler vi anbefaler i afsnittet:

  • Susun Weed - The New Menopausal Years

  • Laila Torsheim

  • Red School i England

Og derudover et skud ud til en masse gode mennekser der arbejder med det cykliske - Ayoe Ramati, Kh Underlivet, She for Pads og så mange flere <3

Bleeding sustainably...

Skærmbillede 2017-12-20 kl. 09.57.06.png

Most women are beginning to notice the rise in women owning their blood. Some find it over the top, gross, something that should continue to be private and toned down. 

Others, me included, find the power in knowing how my cycle influences me throughout the month. And more so how my way of living influences my cycle. It is our feedback system if we dare to listen. It tells a lot. And whether you feel like claiming it publicly or not, I can only recommend beginning to explore your cycle. 

This is not only the bleeding time, but the full cycle from pre ovulation all the way around to the days you bleed. 

Tuning into emotions, mood, physical sensation, energy. In this post I share a little more on tracking your cycle. Take a read…

For this post I wanted to bring attention to the less-waste approaches I’ve made when it comes to my cycle. 

It is very simple actually, I stopped buying pads, tampons (only used those when I was a teen) and have invested in 6 fabric pads and a luna cup. That is all I use. 

It is easy. I have a little wet bag for used pads. Wash them with towels etc. No smell or a bloody mess… haha. 

But the thing that brings me true joy is what it saves me money wise and Earth wise. 


The Numbers

Meet Jaluna Red ;) . She’s 50 and just had her last period. She had her first when she was 12. She has 2 children and with both kids her cycle began again 10 months after giving birth. 

The past 2 years her cycle has been a little irregular.  So taking all of this into calculation, she has had around 408 bleeds in her life time. 

Jaluna used to bleed 5 days on average and used 4-5 pads or tampons a day. (You can do your own calculation. I have 3 girls so I will experience fewer.) 

Jaluna has used a whopping 8160 pads/tampons in those years!! That’s a lot going down the drain or in the trash! 

She used a common brand, non organic etc. 1 pad cost her around 20cents.* So in her life time she spends roughly 1600USD on pads/tampons alone.

It’s a lot really. 



My calculation
So let’s say I have to buy three cups in my bleeding years. Each cup lasts around 10years = 17USD per cup.

And then 3x 6 cloth pads (those who can make them themselves can save even more) = 25USD for a 6pack.

All together it has cost me roughly 126USD with the zero waste version. 


A lot of math, but worth doing! 

So there are a few motivation pointers to look at when it comes to choosing what you use. And more and more are coming up: underwear was recently launched for example, so you don’t need any of the options above, sponges and more. 

Glancing at these numbers it gives me the sense of the scale of our choices. 

Little me may not make a big difference… we think. But let’s say that I get 4 friends to join me. We’ve already saved the world from 32640 pads/tampons. Each of those 4 inspires 4 more etc. and all of the sudden we are making an impact. 

Numbers will vary no doubt. Cost will vary no doubt. But the amount of trash we generate continues to rise. Where it goes. What it means to our Earth will also be discussed, for me my consumption and consumer habits is in my power and worth looking at 1 million *little me* actions is no longer insignificant! 

I hope that this post will inspire you to do your research and what is out there, and maybe find a way to bring the number down of what we throw away or flush out into our water. 

With Love

For inspiration on zero waste action in your business check out this post... 


*I ran it through Google and these are prices on average in Europe. See links below. It will vary from country to country. But the amount of pads being thrown away is the same, regardless of the price. 




What are you hungry for? with Rachel Cole

What are you hungry for?
What are you hungry for?

This interview moved me. The reflection of what I am hungry for still ripples during my day. You are going to love Rachel and her work is so important.

Rachel Cole is a certified life coach, celebrated retreat leader, and women’s empowerment expert. She has spent ten years guiding women to identify, understand and feed their truest hungers – at and away from the table. As an eating disorder survivor herself, Rachel speaks with great wisdom, sensitivity, and authority about what it takes to live as a well-fed woman in the modern world.

She has traveled across the United States and internationally speaking and teaching to sold-out gatherings of women on how they too can find ease and fulfillment in their lives simply by honoring their own hungers. Rachel holds a Masters Degree in Holistic Health Education and is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach.

Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Life status: It’s complicated…

Simple living
Simple living

I know complicated! Yet I have never dealt with it well. Every time someone says “It’s complicated” I feel heaviness in my body - no thank you, never mind.

I am in many ways simple minded. I loose the storyline in sci-fi movies. I feel confused 3 lines in... “In a galaxy far far away, xanax-3000 was moving himself through time using a vibrator on fire. Humans on planet shiatsu were threatened as they had started becoming so full of themselves” Huh… ?? After 30 minutes of my boyfriend trying to explain it,  we both accept that I will catch 1/3 of the story and enjoy falling asleep to it instead.

I could never concentrate for more than 5 minutes reading anything scientific.

The harder the better. The more the merrier... not so much for me.

I feel that secretly, we glorify busy - doing more. Not out loud, no no we hate busy - but someone who say “Oh this week, yeah I went for a few walks and read a book”, it doesn’t really stir up a lot. Someone who has 2 jobs, runs the family neatly, looks great, works out, flew across the world in a day, volunteers for 3 charities, and does her husband 6 times a week, is awesome.

I am not devaluing any of it, but I do feel we in some ways as a society we have put complicated on a pedestal. The more complicated, the more value. The more praise and awe. But is there a shift happening here?

The most complicated for me was when worry became anxiety and darkness took over. Trying to manage the future, my thoughts, my identity crisis, people’s misunderstanding and disappointment, work, money, wanting more (of everything), the city, stress, relationship, body, health, exercise, getting better, faking it and making it, family, meditation, business, my own demands…. argh someone hit the stop button. So many choices, that it almost numbs me.

I have done complicated.

This year we chose to move from the city to the house I have talked about a few times. We wanted more simplicity in our life. We wanted to reduce the costs of living. We wanted to work less. We wanted our kids to see us more. We wanted to filter out some of the constant noise and stimulation of the city. All the doing was robbing me from what I was actually working so hard to have - happiness.

I am not perfect. It is a transition and complicated still get’s to me. I do however feel a HUGE shift in energy and ease when I choose simple. When I let it all drop and look at what makes my life rich - it’ s not more stuff or moneto.

Simple isn't for everyone. We need the people who can do the science and work out complicated stuff. I too like to dream and admire the academics who I have no clue what are saying half of the time.

But HOW MUCH of it ALL do we ALL need, ALL of the time?

Simple to me is freedom.


My 1:1 Intensive is a one to one 90 minute session for hardworking women who want to simplify their daily lives.

Working alongside me, in those 90 minutes we will look at what hasn't worked in the past, work towards sustainable ways to simplify, and most important look at the patterns that are no longer serving you.

At the moment, adding more into an already demanding schedule probably isn’t working for you; when can you really fit this in?

Let me show you how.