[Day 9] - with Michael Haupt

(the picture is from a mini wilderness retreat in Sweden I did with my colleague Sille)

Michael Haupt came up with today's challenge and I thought I would write my respons to it today - so thank you Michael. :)

I love meditating outdoors, with the wind against my face, fresh air and the feeling that I have stripped away so many of things that I worry about in my daily life by connecting to something bigger. There is something special about nature for me - how do you feel?

I live downtown Copenhagen, Denmark 2 minutes from the Central Station. A LOT of life going on here. I am not really a city girl but fell in love with a city boy and here I am. I was born in Labrador in Northern Canada. Not a lot of people, but a lot of wild life going on there. I have missed that connection to nature, and often felt it was lost in my life.

But in the city there are parks, trees, animals, wind, sun, rain and the chance to connect to the peace in all of the noise. I connect by looking up at the sky, pointing at birds with my 1-year old, watching the sun rise (we do that a lot I find thanks to the 1 year old...), feeling the wind against my skin and the smell of a freshly mowed lawn. It is there if I want it.

Now write a post or grab your journal and write about your reflections, experience and share your story.

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2. Add a comment below with a few words about your post with a link to the blogpost

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Recommended reading 

Awake in the Wild: A Buddhist Walk Through Nature - Meditations, Reflections and Practices

By Mark Coleman

About Michael Haupt

Michael Haupt has lived in 16 cities on 6 continents. After being caught up in the hustle and bustle of corporate life, he now lives in a tiny mountain village, 90 minutes from the nearest bank. Traffic jams now consist of cows rambling down the road. Michael believes that the questions we ask ourselves determine the quality of our life. Follow or friend Michael on Facebook for a daily inspiring question, and enjoy the lively responses and debate at http://michaelhaupt.com/facebook/