The Wild

{Samtaler med Jorden} af Marianne

Serien ‘Samtaler med Jorden’ er en samling af møder mellem mennesker og det vilde. De udspringer fra mini forløbet ‘Sådan bliver du usynlig i en verden der kræver at se alt’ Her er der mulighed for at dele særlig natur møder gennem essay, billeder, poesi eller andre udtryk. De bliver løbende udgivet her på hjemmesiden

Træerne synger for mig

Byder mig velkommen

Er glade for at se mig

Mærker fysisk mit hjerte udvidder sig

Træerne favner mig

Jeg er ønsket


For alt det, du er for os, svarer de

Alt udvider sig

Bliver til en kæmpe sal

Oppe nede og som et kæmpe svøb omkring mig

af Marinne

Samtaler med Jorden: Et Urvæsen af Clara Reeh

Serien ‘Samtaler med Jorden’ er en samling af møder mellem mennesker og det vilde. De udspringer fra mini forløbet ‘Sådan bliver du usynlig i en verden der kræver at se alt’ Her er der mulighed for at dele særlig natur møder gennem essay, billeder, poesi eller andre udtryk. De bliver løbende udgivet her på hjemmesiden


Et Urvæsen

Jeg længes mod begyndelsen ~ af alt levende

Hendes ene øje følger mig

Vi ser på hinanden 
Jeg lægger min hånd mod glasset, 
og venter

Hvis bare jeg kunne kravle ned i vandet til hende
Jeg ser de skiftende farver, der som bølger strømmer gennem hendes hud og afslører indre følelser

Jeg vil lære hende at kende

Fortælle hendes historie, 
på ny

I en lang bevægelse danser hun mig i møde

Billeder og tekst tilhører Clara Reeh. De må ikke videregives uden hendes tilladelse.

Find Clara Reeh her


Gode resourcer til tiden, foråret og nye veje...

Skærmbillede 2020-03-11 kl. 14.44.19.png

Igår delte jeg nedenstående liste i mit nyhedsbrev . Det er nogle gratis resourcer som er fantastisk 'food for thought'. Resourcer som giver næring og måske svar, på de store spørgsmål vi sidder med om klima, natur, bæredygtighed. Især om livet efter denne situation, krise, pause, tid - lige meget hvordan vi forholder os, så er vi på ukendt grund.

Disse film, bøger, mennesker giver mig, håb og lyst til at tænke vores fremtid i et andet lys. Og hvis man ikke er til de store følelser, så er de bare virkelig spændende input. 

Hvad synes jeg så du skal tjekke ud:

1. Filmen 'INHABIT'. Jeg købte filmen. lige da den kom ud og har set den flere gange nu. Da krisen brød ud, så lagde de filmen om gratis. Den vil jeg anbefale! Den er tankevækkende, fyldt med håb og fremtid.
Se den her...

2. Gratis 52 ugers Permakultur kursus hos - for dig med have, som vil bruge denne tid på at forstå økosystemer, haven, flerårige planter og hvordan du kan skabe en have der er fremtid i, så kan jeg anbefale det KÆMPE arbejde disse kvinder har lavet her. Jeg har fået rigtig meget ud af det. 
Læs mere her...

3. Min veninde Laura Storm har sammen med Giles Hutchins, skrevet bogen 'Regenerative Leadership' og den jeg vil anbefale alle at læse. Nu har de gjort 1. kapitel tilgængelig gratis. Og den i sig selv kan give ny næring til, at se sin vej gennem, ikke kun corona krise, men det der er lige bag (eller foran) klimakrisen. Den ser fremad og jeg elsker det de giver os med deres bog.
Læs den her...

4. Det seneste afsnit af min podcast 'Becoming Nature' udkom igår. Her taler jeg med Rachel Corby om Plant Whispering og rewilding. Hun er en vanvittig vis kvinde og på instagram kan du lige nu deltage i en give away hvor du kan vinde hendes seneste bog 'Plant Whispering and the art of rewilding'. 
Lyt med her...

Jeg håber, der er til timers underholdning og fordybelse til dig her. Det var der for mig. <3

Enjoy :)


Come Spring and Self-Sufficient Success.

Last year I tried this thing on going *big* with the blogging. I think I took a dive into it with an off-start point, as I don’t enjoy writing advice and how-tos. I like writing about life, not so much to inspire the masses, but as happens to many I know, things process in a different way through writing, talking and sharing. 

One of the reasons why I enjoy circle work so much, is because things process differently in a setting like that. Where we aren’t there to deliver, put up a show, or put on a mask; it’s a different way of relating to self and others. 

So sitting down here at the computer, I am relating to this in a new way. Many have asked why I don’t blog about life here in the forest. Or show what we do and choices we’ve made. It never really stuck with me … why would that be interesting? However over the past few months I have begun to feel a desire to share a bit more. Realizing, I guess, that we are doing a lot of cool things here. 

My beautiful sister has been my communications woman for a month and she also got the inspiration stirring. So here we go. Attempt number 14 to find a way of creating a blog presence that feels creative and interesting to write. 

Spring here has been a tease for a few weeks. Are you coming? Nope not yet. Patience, people of the north. And there has been a weird energy in the people around me, and myself included, of wanting to get things rolling, and still not feeling fully capable to gain momentum. I’ve felt a long take off ramp is ready and yet my body hasn’t been willing to unfold in the pace that I’ve set things up for. 

Sorting seeds and checking in with the ones I harvested and fermented last year.&nbsp;

Sorting seeds and checking in with the ones I harvested and fermented last year. 


But this weekend it was as if it finally clicked into place and we put on warm clothes and fled into the garden. We got the seeds out, trying to plan what we would like to grow this year. And more importantly, where. 




One of the biggest lessons has been - PLAN - and be realistic in our ambitions. I once was told that after 5 years of getting this self-sufficient lifestyle going, you will have made enough mistakes to begin a route to success. It feels like we may need a little more…

I have a good feeling about this year and our harvest adventure. 

This is what our first real spring garden looks like - mud and more mud. We got most of the early veg ready and have it in a warm(er) space and hopefully we will begin to see little green heads popping out of there soon. 



We’ve had success with onions, potatoes, zucchini, strawberries, cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, peppers, garlic, rocket and beans. So this is where we are starting. Hoping to add some cabbages, squash, pumpkin and leeks this year. Cross your fingers. :)

Our idea is that guests at the *Forest Retreat House* can enjoy going out and fetching greens for their dinner. I will write about this space soon. It's an adventure for sure!!! 


Simple Pleasures vol. 1

Simple pleasures, but why not aim for the big mind-blowing out of this world experiences. I like simple. I find joy in the small(er) things, as they bring me to where I already am. What is right here. What can be enjoyed, seen and felt here. It's not hunting sensation or avoiding pain, it is waking up to the pleasure of life.

When I was at several anxiety attacks a day, keeping myself indoors, afraid of living because it felt too painful - one of the things that supported the transition into feeling alive again was opening up to the "little" things. A nice shower, a song I fell in love with, a kiss, a hug, a good laugh, the sun, silence, sounds.

Funny thing is, I haven't felt the need to move away from those things, they are what life is to me. Simple pleasures happen everyday, and they make me feel full, content. Big bursts of special occasions are cool, but not what I live for. They do not make my daily life rich.

So for inspiration I will be sharing a simple pleasures series on the blog, and welcome to vol. 1. Grab what resonates or use the direction to open up to the things in your life.

Here we go.

Moving to the tunes...

I have fallen in love with a young woman from Tennessee. Valerie Junemakes me wanna move, fills my body with ease, touches something deep inside. Music has always done crazy things to me, and I love to dance. This week this song has done the trick. Enjoy.

For fun...

David Lynch Weekend
David Lynch Weekend

A lonesome evening, when the kids were finally asleep and I found myself bored - I ran through Instagram and found the funniest # ever. I laughed till I cried which can be weird when you are on your own.

It is #whymysoniscrying

Now the funny thing is not the photos of crying children.

What makes it so funny are the reasons they are crying. The situations where you as a parent feel you have dropped into the closing scene of a David Lynch movie - What, why, where, I don't get it (still have no clue what Lost Highway was about).

Like when you give your kids the snack they specifically asked for, but placed the plate an inch in the wrong direction and it is mayhem for about 15 mins. Or you walked into a room, not knowing it was going to ruin their day. Or you breath too close to them etc. It is funny because, thankfully you realize you are not alone, and that the frustration seems to be universal.

If you need a laugh check out that hashtag on instagram.

For stillness...

Sitting outside...

...closing your eyes and feeling the air and wind against your face. Sensing the crispness of winter. We don't have to make it formal and call it mediation, or set ourselves up to all sorts of things. Just that moment when you allow yourself a moment of stillness, to just be. Letting your body sink a little deeper to where you are. Knowing that space has nothing to do with time. It can be for one in breath or 100. How does it feel.

Stillness simpel pleasures
Stillness simpel pleasures