
When the stress releaser, becomes the stress increaser (Copy)

women and stress

I can’t begin to count how many times I have heard “I should meditate at least 20 minutes a day” or “ I have to do yoga in the morning or it won’t work” or “ I just failed at it this week”.

We embark on these journeys with great intentions, we know it feels good when we slow down and tune in, or we hope it will - the article said so.

Then we roll up our sleeves and get to it the practice. The first week was great. You felt the benefits, it was nice to take the time for yourself, your family were good with it (maybe to your surprise). 

Then week two, "shit, the meeting was moved" and you didn’t keep the momentum going that day, your kid got sick and you feel asleep on the only night that you really could have worked some practice in. 

Oh no, now a little stress sets in, now it won’t work, you failed and it was just too hard to fit in. You feel that you should be doing and that the commitment you made just is more stress, then actually benefits of meditating, doing yoga, going for walks in nature etc. This was not the point AT ALL.

Do you recognize the essence of this? 

First thing: you can't be meditate wrong!

Second, there are a few things in play here; life, impatience, maybe the stretch from 0 to 45 minutes of meditation every day was too big. Shoulding which almost never motivated pleasurable and simple action.

I really want to help you create a sustainable practice, to expand presence in your life, without creating more stress in the process.

Join me for this free tele class

Mindful Woman

I will share 3 tips to support you to begin and create a sustainable meditation practice in your life, without increasing stress in your life. If you can't join live, no worries, a recording will be sent within 24 hours, to everyone who signs up.

You can do this. You aren’t doing it wrong. We will look at how to simplify to create a sustainable path for you.

Sign up here

Email Address

First Name

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a tribute to: sleeping children (Copy)

Thich Nhat Hanh wrote:

"I have arrived, I am home" is the shortest Dharma Talk I have ever given. "I have arrived, I am home" means "I don't want to run anymore." You need that insight in order to be truly established in the here and now, and to embrace life with all its wonders.

mindfulness in eberyday life

What a powerful sentence. For me it has always been a balance. I like running... well I like being driven, I like the passionate and excited side of me. I like the part of me that creates ideas for every step I take. What I have learned through the years of practice and training is to notice when that isn't serving me, when I no longer fills me up, but is draining me instead. And also learned to see that all that running robs me of the things that really creates a deep connection in my life.

It is so valuable to check and see in the moment what life is. In everyday life what gives me joy, happiness, a sense of belonging and depth aren't things like winning the lottery or running fast - it is the simple things.

Like last night, my oldest was asleep and I went in to tuck her in again. I stopped and looked at her, and she looked so big, yet still with her little baby face. She was so peaceful and cute. I was filled with love and gratitude. It brought me home. I didn't need to run to feel love, I didn't need to run to feel purpose, it was right there in that moment.

Moments like those pop up every day. They're not big sensational moments that will be written down in history. But shit they're valuable. It can be a good laugh, a moment when everyone at the table just shuts up and we are there together no strings attached. It can be that brief touch that let's you know you have been seen. The smell of the crisp Fall air. It is random smiles on the street. It's sitting on a chair by your house enjoying the sunset or dinner with close friends.

We don't need to run.

Connect In Thursday: B R E A T H E (Copy)

Self-compassion breathe

We are moves, doers and driven women. We want to do things right. Often with meditation or yoga that "doing it right" enters how our practice, it could be we feel the longer the better, sitting right, getting the poses 100% like our teacher. The sense of what works for us, can fade a little.

Longer can be good, but it isn’t the only way to be mindful, to connect in. During a busy day, serving others less can still be so much.

[Tweet "During a busy day serving others, connecting inward can do so much. Take 3 deep breaths. #mindful #connectinthursday #breath""]

Take 3 deep breathes. Bring more attention to the out-breath. Letting go of the air. This is an invitation to let be. Allowing for these 3 breaths, the thoughts, sounds, feelings, to dos take care of themselves. Connecting to where you are, the body, to right here rather than there (the future, the other person, the past, the to dos yet to come).

What happens during those 3 breaths?

Connect in Thursday: Look up and around (Copy)

Look up - the self-compassion

On this fine Thursday I would like you to look up. We can get so focused on where we are going, what we need to get done, that we miss little moments of beauty right in the middle of the familiar and ordinary. Curiosity is such a catalyst for adventure and that muscle may need some exercise, flexing and stretching. A simple practice like this can be a good way to start.

Today's practice: Look up and around you right now. What beauty is there to enjoy, take in, appreciate, where you are?

Beginning to open up with curiosity, with presence where you are, to experience in a more intimate way is more simple than you may think. Even if looking up takes you to the grey ceiling in the office. What you do you notice?

Share it with your friends.

[Tweet "Look up and around you right now. What beauty is there to enjoy, take in, appreciate, where you are? #connectinthursday @carinalyall"]

Thursday is connect in day on the blog. I offer a short, free practice or reflection to support you to connect to yourself and others with more presence, self-compassion and care. This is a little nugget of inspiration for you. Allow it move through you, and be open to what it may bring. Stay tuned here on the blog every Thursday.

xo Carina

[Day 14] What have you learned so far? (Copy)

Congratulations you have completed 2 weeks of challenges, writing and reflecting - great work. Today is all about going back and looking at what you have learned so far - if anything.

This is also a chance to do some of the challenges you haven't had time to do, or have been putting off for other reasons.

Here's a list of what we have looked at up until now: 

[Day 1] Welcome to the Challenge

[Day 2] B R E A T H E

[Day 3] Sit

[Day 4] How do you treat your body?

[Day 5] with Belinda Pate-Macdonald

[Day 6] What are you grateful for?

[Day 7] Enjoy a cup

[Day 8] Look up!

[Day 9] with Michael Haupt

[Day 10] Unplug

[Day 11] Do you get enough sleep?

[Day 12] Are you impatient?

[Day 13] with Stephanie Lin

What have learned so far? About yourself, being mindful, blogging? 

Now write a post or grab your journal and write about what you have learned up until now.

1. Add the URL  http://www.mindfulground.com/day-14-what-have-you-learned-so-far/ as a TrackBack link

2. Add a comment below with a few words about your post with a link to the blogpost

[Day 7] Enjoy a cup (Copy)

There is no doubt that being TOO busy is an issue in a lot of people's lives - including my own. As for finding time to meditate, well probably you won't the find time, you'll need to take it. Letting mindful living into others parts in important.

For me bringing awareness and mindfulness practice into my daily activities is just as big for me as my formal practice (meditation). If being mindful left me when I leave the cushion, then maybe there wouldn't be that much of a point.

Something I really enjoy doing is setting aside time to drink a cup of tea or coffee and allowing that to be part of my practice that day. Most of us drink tea or coffee (or water etc.) and if you're like me, you "down it" while sitting at the computer, Tv, chatting on the phone or reading.

This is an excellent chance to show up where you are, practice being mindful and enjoying what you are doing - while you are doing it.

Now write a post or grab your journal and write about your reflections, experience and share your story.

1. Add the URL http://www.mindfulground.com/day-7-tea-meditation as a TrackBack link

2. Add a comment below with a few words about your post with a link to the blogpost

Share the love

Click to tweet: Tea meditation today via @mindfulground Bringing mindfulness into daily activities #tea #mindful http://tinyurl.com/npdbx2q

Recommended reading

Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world

By Mark Williams

[Day 4] How do you treat your body? (Copy)

"Your body is your home"

Rich Hanson

For years I neglected to listen and respond to the signals my body was sending. Headaches, pain in my back, insomnia, nausea, panic attacks just to name a few of the signals.

The body was just sort of in the way, and at times I felt that it was robbing me of the chance to really get to a place of success and freedom - "if I can just do a little more, THEN I can relax" I would think to myself. The thing is you can ALWAYS do a little more, and more and more.

I was stressed and although It didn't come from bad intentions, I had never learned how to slow down enough to really respect my limits. A lot of us aren't friends with our body, it becomes our enemy at times.

By beginning to listen to the body's signals with gentleness and curiosity you can create enormous shifts. They may seem small, but just knowing where you are in this moment can help you respond more skillfully and in tune with what you need. The first step is always awareness with what is.

So, what is your body telling you? Get more sleep, eat less, eat more, less sugar, stretch, exercise, release tension, drop your shoulders a bit, relax your jaw, feeling strong, healthy, light, big or small, what signals is your body sending?

As Rick Hanson puts it "Your body is your home" and how does living there feel? Maybe you treat your body really well, how does that feel? How can you begin to treat your body like a good friend?

Remember this isn't about judging yourself, but observing with compassion (we will be diving into that some more later on ).

Now write a post or grab your journal and write about your reflections, experience and share your story.

I am LOVING your posts! 

1. Add the URL http://www.mindfulground.com/day4-how-do-you-treat-your-body/ as a TrackBack link


2. Add a comment below with a few words about your post with a link to the blogpost

Recommended reading

Not Quite Nirvana: A Skeptic's Journey to Mindfulness

by Rachel Neumann

[Day 3] - Sit (Copy)

We are starting off slowly in this challenge. And one good point in all of this is, that this isn't about rushing to become more mindful... :)

We have covered what being Mindful means to you. Important to define for yourself so you know what your starting point actually is. It helps you know what you expect from the challenge and yourself. Yesterday we connected to the breath. An amazing place to begin to stop and bring your awareness back to the present moment.

Today is about the formal practice - meditation, and in this case the sitting meditation.

Do a 10 minute sitting meditation (if you are experienced or feel you have more time, then sit for longer). 

You can use the following instruction, an app or sign up of the mini mag on the front page and you will receive a free audio you can download. You can also youtube "Mindfulness sitting meditation" and use one of those.

  • Sit on a chair or cushion, you can also lay down on the floor if that is more comfortable for you. The back should be straight and let the shoulders drop slightly towards the floor. Close your eyes or let them stay open, and find a focus point in front of you.

  • Let your attention rest on your breathing. Follow your in-breath from the nose and its movement through the body to the stomach. Follow the out-breath up through the body and out through your nose. How deep in the body does the breath go?

  • Let the focus be on the breath. Every time you discover that your attention has shifted away from breathing, observe what the mind is occupied with, and gentle bring your attention back to the breath. As best you can. not judging yourself, because your attention has shifted. It happens again and again and is completely natural.

  • Next time your mind has wanderd off, pay attention to whether it is thoughts, feelings, or body sensations that has filled your awareness.

  • At times your legs might begin to feel restless, or your nose starts to itch, there can be an unsetteled feeling in the body, you start to worry about what you need to do when you're done? It can be anything. Is it possible to observe what it is?

  • Before the meditation ends bring your attention back to your breathing allow your attention to rest here before opening your eyes and gently take in the room.

Now write a post or grab your journal and write about your reflections, experience and share your story. If you already have a solid practice maybe reflect on what that practice means in your daily life. If you are a beginner what comes up for you when meditating?

1. Add the URL http://www.mindfulground.com/day-3-sitting-meditation/ as a TrackBack link

2. Add a comment below with a few words about your post with a link to the blogpost

Share the love

Click to tweet: Day 3 - Sitting meditation today with @mindfulground ’s 30 Day Living Mindfully Challenge. http://tinyurl.com/p9mr8sy #ease #meditation

[Day 2] B R E A T H E (Copy)

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

We are often told (in the world of meditation) things such as "remember to breathe", "It starts with learning how to breathe" etc. I get what they are aiming for - I think. But as I see it, we are lucky beings because breathing happens whether you are intending to or not.

At last something in our lives we don't "have" to control... blink wink blink...

The breath is a very supportive way to anchor our awareness and can be used as a resource to come back to the present moment. It can be a way in to what is happening right now.

Anytime we want to, we can bring our attention to the breath and notice how it moves in the body.

For just a moment we can allow thoughts, feelings, sounds take care of themselves and just sit, stand, lay down with the movement of the chest and stomach. Giving ourselves the chance to show up - right where we are.

Simple - Yes. Easy - No not all the time. Available - anytime you want.

For me in my daily life it is my way of stopping, observing, letting be and connecting to what is important in that moment.

Now write a post or grab your journal and write about your reflections, experience and share your story.

1. Add the URL http://www. mindfulground.com/30-day-living-mindfully-blog-challenge-day-2 as a TrackBack

2. Add a comment with a few words about your post below with a link to the blogpost

Share the love

Click to tweet: Connecting to my breath with @mindfulground ’s 30 Day Living Mindfully Challenge. Come join me http://tinyurl.com/p9mr8sy #LMBC13

Recommend reading

Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness meditation for everyday life

By, Jon Kabat-Zinn

A few posts from Day 1

Habits, Bringing larger awareness to life...

Krista, being mindful and floating happily through the day...

Charlotte, Denmark - om bevidst nærvær og børn..

Anxiety got me started! (Copy)


Ahh Day 7 - This blog challenge really doesn't feel like a challenge. Which is awesome - big thanks to Ms. Sisson. Today's question is great - just up my alley.

Which key tools will you turn to regularly to maintain your mindset and how will you use them effectively?

For years I delt with anxiety. Panic attacks, a constant sense of nervousness in my body, scared of being scared ruled my life. I isolated myself more and more, just from feeling so tired and not knowing how to face people anymore.

Carina Lyall MeditationMy way through those years became my meditation practice. I wasn't enlightened or fell in love with a guru. I just sensed tiny shifts for every time a sat and closed my eyes and let go of control. It wasn't always peace and ease - but more about handling what arose.

I became less scared and reactive, but learned to respond with more clarity. I began to see I had a choice. No matter how I felt, I was in control of the next step.

As for my mindset anxiety has become my "warning signal". I haven't had a full blown attack in years, but when a certain feeling creeps up I know it well, I know that this is when to slow down, take better care of my self, and allow myself to be vulnerable.

Easy - no, necessary - Yes.

Meditation and presence isn't only what happens on a cushion somewhere quiet. I bring it with me. It is how I move through life. It is compassion, care, curiosity, it is being connected to how I feel.

I am still me, I still have triggers and less flattering sides at times, but I am so much more aware of how they effect me, and stop a lot sooner then I did before. It is just so much easier to deal with when I am not on never ending auto-pilot.

So what supports me in business and life (and hey isn't it all just life??) is my meditation practice.

When I used to be a puppy dog... (Copy)

Blog challenge DAY 3What’s your definition of freedom in business and adventure in life?  My lovely brother used to tell amazing stories of when he was a puppy dog. We all listened and laughed, but he was always caught up in the stories like he really had been a cute little dog and oh  my the adventures!

In a lot of ways I look back at the time before a became a mommy dog, hmm grown up, hmm gave birth to two beautiful girls, with smiles and nostalgia. Missing life as it was. I remember feeling and speaking of myself as adventurous and interesting. Life just flowed in whatever way we, and it, wanted to.

Awakening to the fact that I am now human, with bags under my eyes and subtle smell of spit up, makes me divide adventure and now even more...

I really love my life, but I don't feel so adventurous anymore. Or I guess contemplating the question it all comes back to MY definition of what that is. Where I see lack, and where I see life and joy unfolding before me. Adventure has turned into some huge and un-reachable thing. Nothing to with responsibility, worries or domestic life.

Freedom in business is what I am doing (close to anyway - still working on the how). But freedom is in the fact that I am in charge. I can have a full day mid-week with the girls if that's what we want to do. I can sit in my PJs all day and write emails, I can work with the most inspiring clients because I chose to (and they chose me).

Within our family, work doesn't define how we live, 9-5 etc. We define the life we want and how business can be a part of that - amazing eh!?

Next year we are leaving our apartment and crossing the US and Canada. It might take 8 months, maybe 9 and we are just going to go with it. Going back to my roots and visiting my family in the reserve, feeling the wind in our hair, showing the girls that part of the world, and living our adventure as a family, with responsibility, and I guess you always worry a little as a parent.

Adventure in life is living it fully, with the circumstances you face. Going after what you dream of without being attached to the outcome. And I think I will remind myself of that from now on...


Sommer(bog)regn - VIND A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook (Copy)

En dejlig bog af Elisha Goldstein og Bob Stahl. Jeg har brugt den meget som inspiration og der følger en fin cd med mange gode meditationer med. Den giver et godt indblik i MBSR kurset og kan være god til de der gerne vil i gang med MBSR, men vil prøve det af på egen hånd først. Den blander øvelser, refleksioner og teori rigtig godt. Den følger fint op efter hvert emner og den kommer godt omkring. Det erstatter ikke MBSR kurset, og den støtte man finde med en lærer og en gruppe, men den er god alligevel.

Underviser du selv, kan den også være god at læse. Den kan give nye vinkler på øvelser og inspiration til nye.

Som en lille note til denne bog, så har min yngste datter været så venlig at tegne på de to første sider, men resten af bogen er super fin... :)

MBSR kursus - bog


Hvad skal du gøre for at være med i lodtrækningen? 

Du skal smide en kommentar om hvorfor du gerne vil vinde bogen. Hvorfor er dette emne interessant for dig.

Vi trækker lod fredag d. 16. august kl. 12.00 :)

Om bog-regnen.

Hver uge i løbet af sommeren vil jeg give en bog væk. For at finde ud af hvem der skal have hvad, og for at lære jer bedre at kende, vil jeg enormt gerne høre jeres historier, kommentar, inspiration eller skepsis i forhold til de forskellige temaer bøgerne omhandler. Der bliver trukket lod blandt besvarelserne og vinderen får direkte besked. Jeg skal nok beskrive nærmere hver uge.

Jeg betaler portoen, men skulle du bo i København så kan bøgerne afhentes.


Sommer(bog)regn - VIND Mindfulness for børn og unge (Copy)

Så er der en dansk bog på banen. Jeg anmeldte denne bog sidste år - læs anmeldelsen her... Bogen hedder Mindfulness for børn og unge - teori og praktiske øvelser, af Psykolog Sabrina Justensen Leoni. Det er rigtig fin bog for dig der arbejder med børn og unge, og er interesseret i at bringe mindfulness ind i dit arbejde. Den veksler godt mellem øvelser, teori og inspiration. Den er super overskuelig og kan også virke som et opslagsbog.

Den er primært henvendt professionelle, men kan sagtens læses af den nysgerrige forældre.

Mindful børn, bøger


Hvad skal du gøre for at være med i lodtrækningen? 

Du skal smide en kommentar om hvorfor du gerne vil vinde bogen. Hvorfor er dette emne interessant for dig.

Vi trækker lod fredag d. 9. august kl. 12.00 :)

Om bog-regnen.

Hver uge i løbet af sommeren vil jeg give en bog væk. For at finde ud af hvem der skal have hvad, og for at lære jer bedre at kende, vil jeg enormt gerne høre jeres historier, kommentar, inspiration eller skepsis i forhold til de forskellige temaer bøgerne omhandler. Der bliver trukket lod blandt besvarelserne og vinderen får direkte besked. Jeg skal nok beskrive nærmere hver uge.

Jeg betaler portoen, men skulle du bo i København så kan bøgerne afhentes.

Sommer(bog)regn - VIND Mindful Teaching bogen (Copy)

Er du lærer, pædagog, underviser af en art eller blot interesseret i mindfulness i skolen, så er denne bog noget for dig. I denne uge er Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness, af Deborah Schoeberlein på højkant.

Der har været en del snak om mindfulness i skolen og denne bog giver et godt overblik. Det som jeg RIGTIG godt kan lide, er, at den også lægger stor vægt på lærens/underviserens egen praksis. Den tager med at man ikke kan undervise i noget man ikke selv praktisere. Det er ikke nok blot, at meditere når du guider...

Bogen er på engelsk, men den er let læselig og en rigtig god begynder bog, som helt sikkert kan give inspiration til hvordan det er muligt at integrere mindfulness i undervisning.


Sommerbogregn - mindful teaching

Hvad skal du gøre for at være med i lodtrækningen? 

Du skal smide en kommentar om hvorfor du gerne vil vinde bogen. Hvorfor er dette emne interessant for dig.

Vi trækker lod fredag d. 26. juli kl. 12.00 :)

Om bog-regnen.

Hver uge i løbet af sommeren vil jeg give en bog væk. For at finde ud af hvem der skal have hvad, og for at lære jer bedre at kende, vil jeg enormt gerne høre jeres historier, kommentar, inspiration eller skepsis i forhold til de forskellige temaer bøgerne omhandler. Der bliver trukket lod blandt besvarelserne og vinderen får direkte besked. Jeg skal nok beskrive nærmere hver uge.

Jeg betaler portoen, men skulle du bo i København så kan bøgerne afhentes.

VIND Jon Kabat-Zinns cd (Copy)

Det er forår. Alt muligt bevæger sig i en spændende retning både privat og hos Mindful Ground. OG der er kommet så mange nye til på facebooksiden, at jeg synes det er tid til en lille konkurrence.

Det du kan vinde er:

(Billedet er godt nok blevet spejlvendt, men håber du kan læse hvad det er alligevel.)

For at være med, skal du blot gå tilbage til facebooksiden og dele denne post.

På onsdag trækker jeg lod blandt de af jer der har delt. Vinderen får direkte besked.

Nyd den fantastisk smukke mandag. :)


Anmeldelse: Mindfulness for børn og unge, af Sabrina Justesen Leoni (Copy)

  Anmeldelse fra Mindful GroundFor en måneds tid siden fik jeg denne bog tilsendt med et ønske om at anmelde den. Jeg har rigtig mange bøger om mindfulness, dette er dog den første på dansk om mindfulness med børn. Et område som gerne, for min skyld, må udvide sig endnu mere i arbejdet med børn og unge i Danmark. Jeg har virkelig nydt at læse den.

For mig som forældre har området en klar interesse. Selvom bogen særligt er henvendt til de der professionelt arbejder med børn, så åbnede jeg bogen i håb om også at blive inspireret som mor og i min måde at møde min datter på. Professionelt er det altid spændende at læse om andres viden og fordybelse med området.

Jeg er ikke "akademisk uddannet” i mindfulness. For mig har det været praksis, praksis, praksis og at lære af de lærer jeg har fulgt, der har været min primære vej. I det lys er “Mindfulness for børn og unge” fantastisk godt opbygget. Det er nemt at gå direkte til øvelser, som man kan prøve af i hverdagen. Det mere akademiske stof er samlet særskilt i starten, og giver mig som læser et godt og tydeligt overblik.

Baggrundsstoffet giver en god intro til mindfulness og dens indtoget i Vesten. Der er en dybde og en respekt for både forskning og praksis.

Øvelserne er godt bygget op, og er ikke krydret med for meget “snik snak”. Jeg har en klar følelse af, at kunne gå i gang med dem med en børnegruppe uden for meget tvivl om “the hows and whys”. De udstråler en varme og en nænsomhed for de børn der deltager. Det giver mig lyst til at være barn igen, i selskab med en voksen der sad på gulvet og gav sig den tid og opmærksomhed til at bare at være til stede.

Det er også glædeligt, at der bliver lagt vægt på den voksnes praksis. At arbejde med mindfulness kræver i det hele taget en solid egen meditationspraksis. Man er nødt til at arbejde med det selv, hvad end man er forældre eller har en professionel tilgang. Derfor mener jeg, at det er så vigtigt med de konkrete øvelser til de voksne.

Hvis du har en professionel interesse for området med børn og mindfulness, vil jeg klart anbefale denne bog. Som forældre kan du dog også hente en masse inspiration i øvelserne. En dejlig velskrevet bog.

Få mere information om bogen her...

Den travle venlighed... (Copy)

Jeg sad i går og skrev på en artikel. I den forbindelse fandt denne video frem igen. Den er fra TED talks, og da jeg så den for nogle år siden gjorde den et stort indtryk på mig! Den tager fat på om vi har for travlt i hverdagen til at være venlige overfor hinanden?? Jeg vil ikke skrive så meget, da jeg vil lade den tale for sig selv.

Det ville dog være fedt, at høre om det sætter nogle tanker igang hos dig? Kan du genkende pointen med travlhed?


Hvis du ikke kan se videoen direkte her fra bloggen, så bruge dette link: http://www.ted.com/talks/daniel_goleman_on_compassion.html


Og vinderne blev... (Copy)

Tusind tak til alle jer der delte en kommentar for at deltage i konkurrence om en Citinside cd. Jeg blev utrolig rørt over mange af de ting I delte, og er taknemmelig for jeres åbenhed. Jeg håber, at de to vindere bliver glade for cd'en, og den kan bidrage med noget i jeres hverdag.

Til I andre så kan i lytte til nogle af numrene kvit og frit via af dette link:

http://soundcloud.com/search?q%5Bfulltext%5D=citinside Hvis nogle ønsker at læse mere om projektet kan I gå ind på http://www.citinside.dk/

Til at udvælge brugte jeg en lille nummer generator inde på random.org, så det blev helt fair. Og så (drumroll please)... De to vindere er:

Linda: kommentar nr. 11 og Anja: kommentar nr. 13.

Hvis I vil sende jeres adresser til kontakt@mindfulground.dk så får I cd'en med posten.


VIND en Citinside cd - Et øjebliks ro Vol. 1. (Copy)

  På det seneste har jeg fået tilsendt flere bøger og cd’er med ønske om, at jeg vil anmelde dem her på bloggen og facebook, (de kommer jævnt fordelt henover efteråret). Det gør jeg med glæde. Dog altid med en lille nervøsitet - hvad nu hvis jeg ikke kan lide det, skal man “lyve” eller pynte lidt på det, eller være brutalt ærlig? Hvorfor jeg har det sådan, er der mange grunde til, men lad det være et emne til et andet indlæg...

Mindful Ground BloggenI dag er det cd’en “Citinside - Et øjebliks ro Vol. 1” af Heidi Frier og Anne Eltard, jeg har fået æren af at lytte til og anmelde. De har også været så søde, at give mig 2 stk. cd’er, til 2 af jer der skriver en lille kommentar nedenfor.

Første indtryk er, at jeg er helt vild med coveret og det enkle design. Det underbygger den enkelthed jeg oplevede, da jeg satte cd'en på. Der er 10 numre i 3 dele. 7 numre med indtalelse og musik, og 3 instrumentale numre.

Som de to selv beskriver det er det en eksperimenterende fusion af lyd og meditationspoesi. Noget som jeg ikke er stødt på før. Det er længe siden, at jeg har brugt guidede cd’er, når jeg mediterer. Endnu mere sjældent er det, at jeg hører meditativ/relax/no stress musik (i den direkte forstand, for rock har også en meditativ virkning på mig). Derfor var jeg spændt på, hvordan det vil virke at lukke øjnene og lade mig guide på denne måde.

Det tog et nummer for mig, at vænne mig til stilen. Til at slippe ideen om hvordan en guidning “normalt” lyder, og lade dette være en helt anden slags rejse. Da 2. nummer startede, havde jeg det som at høre en børnebog, eller et Haiku digt. Det er så befriende simpelt. Det er uproblematisk, og det skabte et rum hvor jeg havde lyst til at være. Jeg fornemmede med det samme byen. Jeg fornemmede også et frirum deri.

Mine personlige favoritter er del 1 og 3. Del 2 minder meget om de guidninger, jeg selv bruger i min undervisning, så måske er det derfor jeg foretrækker de andre. Musikken og Heidis stemme kan anbefales - uden en facit på hvordan, hvor og hvornår den kan bruges. Den inviterer til, at man som lytter selv finder de øjeblikke og steder, hvor man ønsker et øjebliks ro (Vol 1.).

Jeg håber, at der kommer en Vol. 2. for jeg er spændt på, hvad de to kvinder videre ville kunne skabe sammen.

For at deltage i lodtrækningen af cd’en, så læg en kommentar der beskriver, hvor du kunne bruge et øjebliks ro og hvorfor? Jeg trækker lod onsdag, og husk at skrive dit navn. 

"Hey fede, sød hund du har..." (Copy)

Noget jeg har undret mig over længe, er vores måde at hilse på hinanden... eller mangel på samme. Jeg har boet i denne lejlighed, i denne gård, med nogenlunde de samme naboer i 5 år. Alligevel kan jeg støde ind i de samme mennesker på 610. morgen, og ikke få så meget som et nervøst trækken på smilebåndet. Vi går rundt mellem hinanden, som totalt fremmede (også selvom vi har talt sammen ved et uheld i ny og næ). Nogle gange er der dog øjenkontakt. Forældre i institutionen kan kigge på en lige udenfor døren til Børnehaven, uden at sige hej eller bare nikke. Selvom barnet står, og skriger HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEj.

Er jeg bare bondsk, og skal se at blive som de andre Københavner-jyder? Hvad er det ved en storby, hvor man bor tættere end på landet, der gør at vi pludselig ikke ser mennesker omkring os?

Jeg bliver så glad for at få et smil om morgen eller af at give en "godmorgen" til skraldemanden. Jeg har altid været vant til, at man anerkender andres tilstedeværelse. Det bliver så køligt med al den ignoreren. Ikke smalltalk, bare et smil - det forandrer altid min dag når andre smiler.

På det sidste internationle MBSR kursus jeg holdte, var det noget af det der rørte dem allermest. At de i Danmark ikke følte sig særlig set. De fleste kom fra lande hvor man gør noget ud af at "komme hinanden ved". Bare et forsigtigt "mojn". Det er lidt trist, at andre føler, at vi er lidt ligeglade i det.

TILGENGÆLD er der 3 ting der får flere til at smile, sige noget, stoppe op og komme hinanden lidt ved.

1. At være så gravid, at det ikke længere bare ligner en delle. Jeg får trætte smil fra kvinder med barnevogne. Smil og kommentar fra ældre mennekser. Og en masse spørgsmål fra flere udviklingshæmmede på Istedgade. Det inviterer bare til en eller anden form for kontakt.

2. Folk med hundehvalpe. Nårrrh hvor er den sød. Hvor gammel er den? Hvad hedder den? Eller bare masser af smil og klap (hunden, ikke ejeren). Det er svært ikke at synes de er nuttet og værd at smile af.

3. Når man får grineflip på gaden eller i bussen. Som regel smitter det. Når nogen andre griner helt nede fra maven, kan man næsten ikke undgå det selv. Medmindre mand har gode folk omkring sig der kommer med den typiske "ejjj helt ærligt, så sjovt var det heller ikke...".

Hvad er det ved de særtilfælde, der får vores opmærksomhed, på for det meste den gode måde?

Børn kan det næsten ligemeget hvad... Så godmorgen til jer alle, med ønsket om en god dag. :)